provides information and links about Agriculture in Nebraska. These include information about ranches, farms, dairies, livestock, feed, crops, equipment, markets, ag-related statistical information and more.
Animal Health
Animal Health Center - Scottsbluff - Full service Veterinary Care featuring 20 to 30 minute appointments.
Panhandle Veterniary Clinic - Chadron - Helpful information for the area ranchers and pet owners.
Boards, Associations, Councils, and Organizations
Nebraska Beef Industry by the Nebraska Beef Council - Promotion of Nebraska's rich agricultural resource, the beef industry, that helps feed the nation and the entire world. Production agriculture utilizes 96% of Nebraska's land area.
Nebraska Cattlemen - The Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) association serves as the spokesperson for the state's beef cattle industry and represents 5,000 professional cattle breeders, ranchers and feeders, as well as 52 county and local cattlemen's associations. Visit this site for information about cattle and grain futures, U.S. cattle inventories, cattle economics, feedlot economics, cattlemen programs and calendar and a wealth of statistical information.
Nebraska Wheat Growers Association - The Association's goal is to improve and stabilize the profitability of the Nebraska Wheat producer. By working with organizations such as the Nebraska Wheat Board, U.S. Wheat Associates, and other wheat industry organizations, the Nebraska Wheat Growers Association strives to improve the wheat industry in Nebraska.
Darr Feedlot - Cozad - Your Commercial Cattle Feeders of Central Nebraska.
Dinklage Feed Yards - Sidney
Johnston Feedlot - Pierce - A custom cattle feeding operation offering an alternative for investors. Involves lower initial investment, monthly buying and selling of cattle & reports on cattle and feed.
Mid-America Feed Yard - Ohiowa - A commercial yard that feeds cattle for cattle producers from Nebraska and surrounding states. We market cattle to packers in NE & KS when cattle are at finised weight.
Livestock and Other Animals
Broken Arrow Angus - Harrison - Cattle for sale.
Goldrush Genetics- Gelbvieh Cattle - An award winning Gelbvieh ranch located near Guide Rock.
Nebraska - Nebraska's Online Horse Source! Always FREE Event and Directory Listings. Classified Ads, Breeder pages, Horses For Sale, Event Calendar, Organization Listings.
Schawang Cattle Co - David City - Cattle for sale.
Sellman Ranch - Crawford - Hereford and Angus bred bulls for sale.
Tom King Sales - Oshkosh - Horses for sale.
Treffer Ranch - Cozad - Quarter and Paint Horses and Angus Cattle for sale.
Triple S Morgans - Scottsbluff - Horses for sale.
Twombly Arena Performance Horses - Bayard - Horses for sale.
Uphoff Boer Goats - Lexington - Central Nebraska source for Boer goats, nanny goats, dairy does and livestock guard dogs.
Vista Trend Gelbvieh - Gering - Vista Trend Gelbvieh JBK Gelbvieh and Angus for sale.
Livestock Auctions
Bassett Livestock Auction - Bassett - Livestock Market.
Crawford Livestock Market - Crawford - Livestock Market.
Midwest Messenger - Classifieds Publication.
Ogallala Livestock Auction Market - Ogallala - Livestock Market.
Seed Companies
Fontanelle Hybrids - A Nebraska Seed Corn Company.
Hoegemeyer Hybrids
Kriesel Certified Seed - Gurley - Seed Dealer.
NC+Hybrids - America's down to earth Seed Company.