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Nebraska News
This Week In Nebraska History
1870: The Lincoln Village Board was drawing up a pro-posed ordinance to ratify articles of incorporation of the Lincoln Steel Railway Co.
Categories: Nebraska News
Retired, longtime Nebraska federal judge Richard Kopf dies
Kopf, 78, was one of the first judges to embrace social media, at times making waves by offering advice and criticism on his personal blog.
Categories: Nebraska News
This Week In Nebraska History
1870: Nebraska City residents gathered at the Seymour House for an evening of dancing, speeches and general celebrating in honor of Benjamin Franklin’s birthday. At the dinner following these events, the Nebraska City Press reported, Franklin’s well-known and lifelong total…
Categories: Nebraska News
This Week In Nebraska History
1870: Potatoes cost 50 cents per bushel; butter, 35 cents per pound; eggs, 25 cents per dozen; fresh beef, 8-12 cents per pound; poultry, 10-15 cents per pound; apples, $2 per bushel; flour, $3 per hundredweight.
Categories: Nebraska News
This Week In Nebraska History
1870: Potatoes cost 50 cents per bushel; butter, 35 cents per pound; eggs, 25 cents per dozen; fresh beef, 8-12 cents per pound; poultry, 10-15 cents per pound; apples, $2 per bushel; flour, $3 per hundredweight.
Categories: Nebraska News
Jim McKee: Connecting our state and Iowa with a road bridge
(This column originally ran Aug. 13, 2016.)
Categories: Nebraska News